Anyone who is following this project, knows how much time i’m spending on it 🙂   ( GF almost breaking up thanks to AC Pursuit hahah 😀 )

Why  support the server with a donation?

To Help me to pay the 25€ i’m paying monthly for the server rent 🙂 

To manage this complex money system, the website needs lot of attention and also paid plugin (where I can and it’s worth, I write the codes alone)

Rent a 2nd server , since the 1st LUCKILY is almost full 24h! 🙂 Of course, a server with the same rules, same system, same website! Server 1 and 2 will be linked 100%

Another idea i want to follow with your help, is  to give the right “Thanks” to the Authors of the official car MODS we will use.   (donation will be split with them, during EVENTS to unlock particular car mods on the server)

To thank you for the support, we are going to convert  any amount of donation with this rate


Please, do not donate less than 1$, since with paypal tax it’s not worth even for you! 😀

Add your ACCOUNT NAME to which you want to be credited the gift ,  during  the paypal donation 🙂